After months of development, our new feature Reset Master Password is finally ready to be released. We have made a guide that shows you how this feature works and how to use it.
Please note, the following requirements need to be met before we can reset your Master Password:
- The user must be a part of an organization.
- The user is not the only administrator in the organization.
- The feature “User Backup” is enabled.
- There is already an existing “User Backup” file. (This is enabled by default. If not, a manual backup can be created by opening the Uniqkey app and following this path: Settings – Backup – Backup Now).
Important information:
The temporary password found in the e-mail is valid for 10 minutes – However, administrators can change this time limit; if you wish to change this setting, you can contact
When the administrator has accepted the user’s request, the password change must be completed within 24 hours.
If the user shuts down the Uniqkey app before the administrator has accepted the request to reset the Master Password, the request form must be re-filled – however, the user does not have to wait for the administrator to approve it again.
How to reset your Master Password in 6 steps:
- Click “forgot password” in the Uniqkey app.
- Fill out the form using your work e-mail.
- Open your e-mail and copy the confirmation code into the form shown in the app – please note, this code is only valid for a set amount of time (default is 10 minutes).
- Choose your organization from the list and wait.
- The administrator approves the request to reset your Master Password.
- You will now be able to choose a new Master Password.
Keywords: Password, password recovery, master password, reset, reset password, reset masterpassword.