Import KeeperSecurity logins

To import your logins from KeeperSecurity you must first export them, in the shape of a CSV-file. This is done from the Keeper app.

What will be focused on in this guide is the import of logins from KeeperSecurity specifically. Are you unsure how to import a CSV-file you can follow our guide here

After opening the import window you must change the order of import-parameters so it looks like this:


After opening the import window you must change the order of import-parameters so it looks like this:

  • Name, login, password, url, notes, 2fa token


  • Now that the parameters has been rearranged, open the CSV-file in excel and mark the first colon, and click “Find & Select” -> “Find”.



  • Click ”Replace” -> insert a quotation mark in the field “Find what” -> leave the field “Replace with” blank and click “Replace all”. This removes all quotation marks in the file.



  • Next step is to remove the front comma in each login.



  • When all the front commas has been removed, it should look this:


  • Now save the file. Upon dragging the newly updated CSV-file into the import tool, the parameters should be organized in the proper order, like this:



The logins are now organized in the proper order and ready for import.


Keywords: Keeper, Keeperesecurity, import, login, logins, csv, fil, csv fil, keeper security, eksport, export, csv-file

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