If you want to skip a step and allow logins without having to accept the request in the Uniqkey app, you can easily make use of the "trust browser" function. This guide will help you enable the feature, however it has to be allowed by an admin first - if that's you, you can enable it in the desktop app (app.uniqkey.eu). This will allow personal passwords to be temporarily stored in the cache - if you want to allow groups to use this feature with their shared passwords, you'll need to enable that separately in the "Groups" tab.
1) Open your browser and click the Uniqkey icon in the upper-right corner.
2) Choose "options"
3) Choose "Trust browser"
4) Choose for how long you will allow your browser to login without asking you to confirm in the Uniqkey app - to maintain a high security level, the limit is 12 hours.
Your company might not allow this feature or have restricted the use of it. If that's the case, this message will pop up.
Keywords: trust, trust browser, browser, browser extension, extension, chrome, edge, firefox, push, no push.